What Service Is Best For Your dog?


Is Dog Daycare Right For You?

Does your dog like playing with other dogs? Does he require a lot of stimulation during the day? Will it be convenient for you to drop off your dog and pick him up from daycare (or use our transportation services)? These are some questions that will help you determine if doggy daycare is the best option for you. If you found yourself nodding yes to any of these questions, you and your dog might be better suited for a daycare situation.

Dog daycare has become an increasingly popular option for dogs over the years. It provides dogs the opportunity to play and interact with other dogs and people during the day. It helps socialize your pet and prevents boredom by giving him something to do all day long.

Why Choose A Boutique Dog Daycare?

• Individualized attention

• More one-on-one time

• Playtime and activities

• Easy socialization

• Ideal staff to canine ratio

• Increased safety, decreased violent incidents

Paw Pals is not your ordinary dog daycare.  Imagine a place for your dog that is the equivalent to your favorite spa. Fresh smelling air, clean and safe rubber floors, fun activities throughout the day, soft beds to rest on, only the healthiest treats, your best pals, and a loving and trained staff. 

Is A Dog Walker Right For You?

Ask yourself these questions: Does your dog prefer the comfort of his own home? Does he become overstimulated easily? Does he require more one-on-one attention than other dogs? If you answered yes, your dog might be better suited to a dog walker.

Hiring Paw Pals as your professional dog walker is a great option for your pet. There's more opportunity for interaction between your dog walker and your pet. Additionally, if your dog doesn't get along with other dogs or becomes overstimulated easily, he might be more relaxed in his own home and neighborhood. It's also easier for many pet owners who find it hard to drop their pets off and pick them up at our daycare location (ask about our transportation packages).

Can You Have The Best of Both Worlds?

Do you feel like you just can't make the decision between the perks of a daycare and a dog walker? You don't have to -- just choose both.  Gone are the days of having one company for dog daycare and another as a dog walker. Paw Pals is elated to be your one stop shop for all your pet care needs.  Send your pup to daycare once or twice a week and have a dog walker come the rest of the week. That way, your pooch gets all the interaction of a daycare to prevent boredom and encourage socialization, along with a few days of relaxation and one-on-one time at home with your dog walker.